25% off All Consultations Terms and & Conditions
- Appointment must be taken within 30 days of booking and paying.
- It cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount.
- Offer not valid on ADHD/ASD Assessments.
Our goal is to provide every client with the appropriate mental health support. We work to help clients identify and overcome their difficulties in a straightforward, individualised, and professional way. We avail of a wide variety of tools and techniques so that we can tailor a programme that best supports you.
At Centric Mental Health we understand the importance of your personal or workplace mental health needs. As the leading provider of private mental health services, our nationwide network of psychologists and psychotherapists are experienced and skilled professionals in their fields. We work with the best to offer you the same.
Are you in crisis at the moment or have concerns that you might be at risk of harming yourself? Unfortunately, Centric Mental Health is not a crisis service and as such cannot provide the support needed. If you are currently at risk of harming yourself please contact Pieta House at 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444. If you have immediate concerns for your safety please contact emergency services.
Do you use any substances that have a significant negative impact on your day-to-day functioning? Unfortunately, Centric Mental Health is not the appropriate service for addressing substance use issues. The National Drug and Alcohol Helpline can be a helpful resource in connecting to such services and can be contacted at 1800 459 459 or https://www.drugs.ie/ Your GP may also be a helpful resource for referral.
Are you seeking support out of concern that you might be seeing or hearing things that aren’t there? Unfortunately, Centric Mental Health cannot provide services for some presenting issues, with these experiences sometimes indicating that medical consultation or triage is appropriate. We encourage you to make an appointment with your GP at your earliest convenience to identify helpful support.
Appointments will ordinarily be 50 minutes in duration, once per week at a time we agree on, although some sessions may be more or less frequent as needed. Centric Mental Health’s clinicians are based in the Republic of Ireland, and as such they can only provide services to individuals who are physically in the Republic of Ireland during their sessions. This is due to insurance and regulatory differences between countries. We cannot provide psychotherapy services to people who are outside of the Republic of Ireland.
You and your parent/guardian are responsible for paying professional fees at the time of booking your session unless prior arrangements have been made. Payment can be made by credit/debit card, online via payment link or by cash. Fees are subject to change periodically and advance notice will be given of any fee revisions.
Due to the high demand for Centric Mental Health services, a cancellation fee of 100% applies if you do not provide more than 2 working days’ notice or do not attend your consultation.
The cancellation fee is waived only in specific and exceptional circumstances.
When there are more than 2 cancellations or 1 DNA within blocks of 4 months of therapy the client can no longer be guaranteed a set slot in the clinician's diary and a diary space can no longer be held for that client.
Please note, that for our ASD & ADHD Assessment services, a cancellation fee of 100% applies if you do not provide more than 5 working days’ notice.
In the interest of public health, we would ask clients who have been diagnosed with Coronavirus or have been instructed to self-isolate or quarantine to not attend face-to-face sessions until the required timeframe as instructed by the HSE has passed. Instead, an online or phone consultation can be arranged. The HSE website provides up-to-date information on Coronavirus.
It is a requirement to keep appropriate records of the mental health services provided. Your records are maintained by the mental health professional on a computer, secured by the use of a password and a firewall with a secure access log and only are accessible to Centric Mental Health Health professionals and the Service Management Team.
A mental health professional is bound by legislation and professional ethics to keep the details of sessions strictly confidential except in the following situations:
If you are doing things that could cause serious harm to you or someone else, even if you do not intend to harm yourself or another person.
If you tell me you plan to cause serious harm to yourself or plan to end your life.
If you are involved in a court case and a request is made for information about your counselling or therapy.
If you tell me you plan to cause serious harm to someone else who can be identified.
If you tell me you or another person under 18 are being abused - physically, sexually or emotionally - or have been abused in the past.
In the latter two instances, it is required by law to inform legal authorities or social services so that protective measures can be taken.
If a significant level of risk to yourself is disclosed, contact with your general practitioner and/ or emergency contact may be necessary and appropriate.
It is anticipated that should this situation arise it would be discussed, and an appropriate plan of action would be put in place by you and your mental health professional.
Sometimes your doctor (e.g., GP or Psychiatrist) and your therapist may need to work together; for example, if you need to take medication in addition to seeing a counsellor or therapist.
If an appointment is made by GP referral the GP is notified that you attended an appointment and a summary of the agreed treatment plan is shared.
The referring GP is also notified when a case is discharged.
Your therapist will discuss with you in advance if further information needs to be shared with your GP.
As such we cannot provide any feedback, assessment, or opinion regarding a client's presentation as it relates to legal claims such as personal injury litigation, custody determination etc.
If requested, clinicians can provide a summary of therapeutic engagement and progress, however, these reports do not meet requirements for use within a legal setting and will not provide any useful opinion within a legal context regarding the cause, impact, or prognosis or context of a client's presenting concern.
We must have a good reason or “legal basis” for using your information.
1) We sign contracts with companies where they provide a facility in which they may have access to some information e.g. – IT software. This is called “Contracts”.
2) When we need to send you texts, emails or other reminders for appointments or provide information that is important for your specific care. We will only use phone numbers and e-mail addresses that have been provided to us. If you change your address, phone number or e-mail address, please let us know. This is called “Legitimate Interest”
3) If you request or if someone else requests information relating to you, we will in the first instance look for your permission to release this information. This is called “Consent”.
4) If there is an emergency where it would be deemed clinically important that a third party had access to some clinical information e.g. ambulance service. This is called “Vital Interest”.
I have read this informed consent policy completely and agree to its terms.
I understand that the mental health professional is responsible for maintaining all professional standards outlined in the ethical principles of his/her professional association as well as through legislation.
I understand that all information shared between myself and Centric Mental Health is confidential and no information will be released without my consent, where possible.
I understand that there are specific and limited exceptions to confidentiality which I have read above.
I understand that my engagement with Centric Mental Health is to receive mental health intervention to address difficulties I am currently experiencing, and no medico-legal assessment report or similar can be produced or furnished by my clinician.
2. Corporate Services
Centric Mental Health (CMH) will exercise due skill, care and diligence in the performance of the Services and ensure that at all times it has sufficient suitable, appropriately qualified and trained personnel to perform the Services.
CMH shall invoice for Services as they commence. Invoices will be issued monthly in arrears by email and the Client shall pay all invoices within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt of such invoice.
The Fees are exclusive of Value Added Tax (“VAT”) which is applicable for all payments under this Agreement. CMH will invoice the Client inclusive of VAT.
Programmes must be scheduled 6 weeks in advance of the desired event date
No refund or adjustment will be made in the event of a cancellation of a programme or event after commencement.
For cancellation within 2 business days of the programme start date or event, 75% of the agreed programme or event value will be charged.
This may include any mental health expert’s travel, accommodation and daily expenses which cannot be recovered.
For cancellation within 3 to 7 business days of the programme start date or event, 50% of the agreed programme or event value will be charged.
For cancellation within 8 to 20 business days of the programme start date or event, 25% of the agreed programme or event value will be charged.
No cancellation fee will be charged if the programme is changed more than 20 business days before the scheduled event date.
Centric Mental Health reserves the right to cancel and/or postpone a course due to insufficient enrolment.
Such decisions will be made at least 4 days before the scheduled course date.
Registrants will be notified via email. Centric Mental Health will make every effort to avoid cancellations.
In case of a cancellation, you will have the choice of registering for the next course date or receiving a refund for the full course fee.
Centric Mental Health and/or the Mental Health Expert shall maintain policies of insurance including, but not limited to, the following policies with the levels of cover (for any one event or series of events):
Public Liability: €6,500,000
Employers Liability: €13,000,000
Professional Indemnity between €6,500,000 to €2,500,000 (depending on service).